Mega Seating Plan: Artificial Intelligence
Mega Seating Plan

Artificial Intelligence

Smart Seating Plans

Mega Seating Plan uses AI to automatically seat your students according to their behaviour, individual preferences and data.

Student preferences

Students scan personal QR codes to set their preferences regarding where they sit and who they work well with.

Your expertise

Override your students' preferences based on your own expert judgement.


Instantly generate a seating arrangement based on their preferences, behavior and data. Mega Seating Plan's unique and secure algorithm works through up to 10,000 combinations to find the best, in under two seconds.

Magic Reports

Generate personalised and detailed student reports, references and letters of recommendations in seconds.

Powered by GPT-4

Magic Reports is built upon OpenAI's GPT-4, the most advanced AI language model in the world.

Secure and safe

No personally-identifiable data is transmitted to any third party. Read more about how Magic Reports keeps your students' data secure.

Included with all Mega Seating Plan accounts

Magic Reports is available to all users of Mega Seating Plan. Those on a free Bronze account can generate a maximum of 10 reports. Paying users can generate unlimited reports.