Mega Seating Plan: Report Writer
Mega Seating Plan

Report Writer

Generate personalised reports in seconds

Mega Seating Plan's Magic Reports tool uses the latest GPT-4 model from OpenAI to generate personalised reports, references and recommendation letters for your students.

With a few clicks, grade your student on behaviour, effort etc, add some comments and generate a unique report in a few seconds.

Safe and Secure

No personally-identifiable data is submitted to OpenAI. Student names never leave your web browser.

Read here for more detail about how your students' data is protected.


Select your preferred word/character count, language and style of the report. Generate a termly report card in Welsh, a letter of recommendation in American English or a UCAS reference in British English. It's up to you.


Magic Reports is included in all paid Mega Seating Plan subscriptions. Users with free Bronze accounts can generate 10 reports to try it out.