Seating Charts
What is a seating chart?
A seating chart shows where students sit in a classroom or exam hall. It may also show important information about students, such as their grades, their photographs and any exam access arrangements.
Why do we need seating charts?
For teachers:
A clear seating chart allows teachers to assign seats to students to optimize for positive behavior, collaboration and attainment. For example, a teacher may choose to keep chatty students on opposite sides of the room to reduce their temptation to distract or be distracted.
Some teachers like to use Kagan learning structures to group students in such a way that maximises student cooperation, allowing them to support and learn from each other.
Having key data on seating charts, such as special educational needs or target grades, allows teachers to see at a glance where more support might be needed, and to seat students in a way to maximise this.
Photographs on seating charts can make learning student names quicker and easier.
For students:
Students appreciate structure and consistency in their lessons, especially if their lives outside of school lack this. By assigning seats to students, a teacher can help them to succeed by improving behavior, focus and collaboration.
For school leaders and inspectors:
A seating plan can provide instant context for any classroom visitor, whether that’s a leader doing a lesson observation or an inspector visiting the school. At a glance, they can identify students and see attainment and support information.
How do I make a seating chart?
Layout your classroom
- Just drag and drop, rotate and resize to place furniture around your room.
Import your class rosters
- Mega Seating Plan integrates with services including Wonde, Clever, ClassLink, Skolon, Google Classroom™ and Microsoft Teams, meaning your class rosters are synchronized automatically with your school.
- Or import your class roster from any spreadsheet.
Generate a seating chart
- Use Mega Seating Plan’s artificial intelligence to place students automatically based on their preferences, their data and your expertise. Or generate a random, boy-girl or alphabetical plan. Then just drag and drop until it’s perfect.
For schools with a Gold or Platinum subscription, seating charts are automatically shared with teachers across your school.
For everyone else, seating charts can be securely shared with other users with just a few clicks. Or print out your plan, or save as a PDF or PNG.